Research Institute of Visual Computing

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Dr Kirill Sidorov

Dr Kirill Sidorov

Name: Kirill Sidorov


Lecturer at Cardiff


Telephone: +44 (0) 2920 876925


Current interests

Primary interests are various aspects of computer vision, especially groupwise non-rigid registration of 2D and 3D images and sufaces.

Example Research Title:

Groupwise registration of images and surfaces.

Given an ensemble of images of a deforming object, establish dense correspondences between the analogous parts across the ensemble.

Application Area:

Medical imaging, biometrics, robotics, computer graphics, psychology, user interfaces etc.


Objects sometimes change shape. When it happens, their appearance also changes.  We want computers to understand this concept, just like humans do.  Understanding deformable objects is one of the most fundamental problems of computer vision.

Looking for Commercial Partners:

Any companies or public bodies with an interest in computer vision applications and robotics.


Dave Marshall (Cardiff) on registration. Taku Komura (Edinburgh) on computational topology, animation, and robotics. Stephen Richmond (Cardiff School of Dentistry) on medical image analysis.


Example Projects