Geometry Processing
RIVIC conducts world leading research in geometry processing, which involves the design of efficient algorithms for acquisition, reconstruction, analysis, and manipulation of complex three dimensional models.
Feature extraction and matching is a traditional method for shape matching and analysis.
Automatic 3D Free Form Surface Modelling with analysis in the Frequency Space from Range Images.
This project attempts to develop efficient techniques for the representation and matching of 3D shapes.
The captured either 2D or 3D data are usually unavoidably corrupted by imaging noise.
3D surface registration is fundamental to many compute graphics, vision and medical applications.
This project explores how to create bas-reliefs from 2D face photographs.
3D models have a broad range of applications in many different areas such as engineering, biology, chemistry, medicine, entertainment and cultural heritage.
While the laser scanning systems usually have limited field of view, the captured data from a single viewpoint can only cover a part of the area of interest.