Research Institute of Visual Computing

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Journal Publications

Page 23 of 39

Integrating Haptics with Augmented Reality in a Femoral Palpation and Needle Insertion Training Simulation

Nigel John

June 9, 2011

This paper presents a virtual environment for training femoral palpation and needle insertion, the opening steps of many interventional radiology procedures.

Visualization of Time-Series Data in Parameter Space for Understanding Facial Dynamics

Andrew J Aubrey, Paul Rosin, David Marshall, Phil Grant

June 1, 2011

Over the past decade, computer scientists and psychologists have made great efforts to collect and analyze facial dynamics data that exhibit different expressions and emotions.

Temporal Visualization of Boundary-based Geo-information Using Radial Projection

R S Borgo

June 1, 2011

This work is concerned with a design study by an interdisciplinary team on visualizing a 10-year record of seasonal and inter-annual changes in frontal position (advance/retreat) of nearly 200 marine terminating glaciers in Greenland.

Optimizing a Tone Curve for Backward-Compatible High Dynamic Range Image and Video Compression

Rafal Mantiuk

June 1, 2011

In this paper, we show that the appropriate choice of a tone-mapping operator (TMO) can significantly improve the reconstructed HDR quality.

Penalizing Closest Point Sharing for Automatic Free Form Shape Registration

Yonghuai Liu

May 1, 2011

For accurate registration of overlapping free form shapes, different points in one shape must select different points in another as their most sensible correspondents.

As-Rigid-As-Possible Surface Morphing

Ralph Martin

May 1, 2011

This paper presents a new morphing method based on the “as-rigid-as-possible” approach.